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关于威尼斯人在线 and Our Facilities

的 Department of 自然科学 has 915 students and had 101 students graduate from the program in the past year. 的 department is composed of 29 full time faculty members in the disciplines of Biology, 化学, 地质, 和物理. 的 department offers more than 30 different undergraduate degrees that draw upon the breadth of these scientific disciplines and emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of modern science. 的 department offers an interdisciplinary program in Nanoscale Science, numerous preprofessional programs, a variety of undergraduate programs designed to prepare students for scientific careers or graduate school, and master’s programs in Biology and Science Education.

的 department places an emphasis upon the following:

  • High quality instruction for students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in the sciences
  • General education course work that introduces students to fundamental scientific principles and promotes scientific literacy
  • Relevant laboratory and field work experiences that expose students to hands on learning opportunities
  • Research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students that develop their appreciation of the scientific method
  • 教师 – student interactions through instruction, mentorship, and advisement

麦肯蒂正在攻读博士学位.D. with foundation laid at Northwest

We have smaller class sizes. That means smaller labs, more hands-on opportunities. I probably had more of an opportunity to work with different instrumentation in my labs than at other larger schools.

化学 with a biochemistry emphasis

Northwest’s ACS-certified major in chemistry

 American Chemical Society Committee on Professional Training has added Northwest Missouri State University to its listing of approved institutions.

Northwest’s ACS-certified major in chemistry prepares students with a comprehensive and deep exposure to the many aspects of chemistry. Students are intellectually challenged and gain an appreciation of how the discipline impacts their daily lives. 的 degree program is designed to prepare up-and-coming professional chemists for careers in research institutions, industry or the pursuit of graduate studies.

Northwest students who complete the course curriculum receive certificates in conjunction with their degree.


Northwest’s ACS-certified major in chemistry

Students, faculty explore northern Michigan to exercise geology skills

Northwest geology students and faculty traveled fall 2023 to Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. 的 group explored mineral resources and mining operations, turning course concepts into hands-on experiences.

Read the full geology field trip story

Students, faculty explore northern Michigan to exercise geology skills

Natural Science 奖学金 available

C F Gray Physical Science Scholarship, Margaret Wade Long Scholarship for Teachers of Math & Science, Ruth Collins McQuerry & Wayne H McQuerry Memorial Scholarship, Dr. Richard A Hart Scholarship and more!

Browse all major specific scholarships

Natural Science 奖学金 available